Copyright Registration: Protect Your Work
Copyright Experience
- Counseled clients from all over the world in all types of creative outlets to register their works with the United States Copyright Office.
- Successfully appealed denials of registration by the United States Copyright Office.
- Formed plans for ongoing protection of continuing works, databases, and selective registration of revenue-generating items.
A Wise Investment
It’s often said that copyright registration opens the courthouse doors. And without overcomplicating things, that is true. You need a copyright registration in order to sue people for copying your work.
The good news is that copyright registration can be obtained without great expense. And given the power it gives the owner, it is a wise investment.
And even better news: copyright registration can help you avoid lawsuits. And that is because once you have a registration, and then experience someone copying your work, you have the ability to seek “statutory damages” of up to $100,000 per infringement. This can provide you with a “big stick” and increased leverage when negotiating settlement of copyright disputes.
What is it?
Obtaining a federal copyright registration over your original work with the United States Copyright Office.
Do I need it?
Yes, at least to important (revenue-generating) works that are at risk of being copied.
How much?
Copyright registration services typically start at around $500 and go up from there depending on what you have going on.