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Payment Facilitator Regulations: What SaaS and E-commerce Companies Need to Know

What SaaS & E-commerce Companies Need to Know About Payment Facilitator Regulations

What SaaS & Ecommerce Companies Need to Know About Payment Facilitator Regulations Key regulations control the operation of any payment facilitator (payfac). Since e-commerce and software-as-a-service (SaaS) firms often contract with payfacs, it is important that they understand how these organizations are allowed to legally operate – the nuts and bolts of payment processing compliance… READ MORE

Conducting Business Via the Cloud: The Role of SaaS Agreements

Many, if not all, businesses need to utilize software in order to function. The software might take the form of an inventory ordering system, a payment processing system, or a smartphone app for the company. Software is everywhere and it is rapidly moving to cloud based platforms, but rarely is a company capable of developing… READ MORE

third-party data breaches

Third-Party Data Breaches: Weakest Link in Cybersecurity

One problem that many companies discover as they develop cybersecurity measures is that third-party data breaches is the weakest link in its data management chain. Many companies find it a business necessity to outsource some, if not all, data management, storage, and processing activities to third-party vendors. These vendors may include cloud hosting companies and… READ MORE

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