Lansing Trademark Attorney

Trademark Law

Trademark rights are created through the use of a mark in commerce. Consequently, trademark rights may exist even without trademark registration. Though this is the case, trademark registration provides numerous benefits, which make trademark registration a very attractive option. These benefits include:

  1. The ability to obtain up to $2,000,000 in statutory damages in a trademark infringement lawsuit for the infringement of a registered mark;
  2. Nationwide priority to use the trademark;
  3. The ability to file a trademark infringement lawsuit in federal court;
  4. The ability to use the ® to put others on notice of trademark rights and to prevent against an “innocent infringement” defense; and
  5. The ability to prevent the importation of infringing copies into the United States by registering with the US Customs and Border Patrol.

These are just a few of the benefits available to owners of registered marks. If you are a Lansing-based business, contact one of our expert Lansing trademark attorneys today to discuss trademark registration. Our Lansing trademark lawyers can provide you with a reasonable fixed fee quote for trademark registration and trademark monitoring.

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