If you have been targeted by libel in the Internet space, then it is important that you contact a libel attorney immediately. Libel in the Internet does not go away if it is not removed; in fact, it may be republished to many other websites without your knowledge or control. This is why it is important to address libel in the Internet as soon as possible.
A good libel attorney will identify both legal and non-legal leverage and strategies to have the libelous statements removed from the Internet. A good libel attorney will be familiar with the standard defenses to a claim of libel, such as Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, as well as the common forms of libel, such as libel per se and libel per quod. Since Internet service providers are often protected by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a libel attorney will also understand the most recent search tools to identify the poster of the libelous statements so that these statements can be address directly with the poster and not the Internet service provider.
If you have been targeted by libel in the Internet, contact the libel lawyers at Revision Legal today at 855-473-8474 or click here.