Revision Legal Needs Your Help!

Business Law Hubspot
Revision Legal wants to help you simplify your business life.

We wish you called us every time a legal question popped up. But, sometimes you don’t. You Google it, ask a friend of a friend, or just hope nothing bad happens. And we don’t blame you. Calling an attorney for every question you face is not practical.

But what if your staff was knowledgeable in specific, niche legal areas that impacted your day-to-day operations? For example, would it help if your content marketer or operations manager:

  • Understood the elements of entering valid and enforceable contracts?

  • Identified trademark infringement and drafted cease and desist letters (based on our templates)?

  • Protected original content and avoided copyright infringement concerns?

To help address the gaps of knowledge between search results and licensed attorney, we are creating a course to educate your staff. And we want your help. 

If you are interested in joining the beta team, answering short survey questions, and getting a discount on the end product, click the button below. 

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Image credit: Flickr user Chris Potter

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Recent Posts

2025 Changes to Trademark Fees

2025 Changes to Trademark Fees


There are some significant changes coming to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that will affect trademark filings beginning January 18, 2025. These changes include the introduction of the Trademark Center, new fees, and revised application requirements. Here is an overview of the key changes: The USPTO will retire the TEAS system, which […]

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Automated Decision-Making Technology: California Releases Proposed Regulations

Automated Decision-Making Technology: California Releases Proposed Regulations

Internet Law

In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, automated decision-making technology is becoming more and more important. From personalized product recommendations to targeted advertising and streamlined logistics, these systems help ecommerce businesses adapt and grow. But new regulations are on the horizon, and these changes could reshape the way e-commerce businesses use automation. The California Privacy Protection Agency […]

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FTC Adopts Final “Click to Cancel Rule”

FTC Adopts Final “Click to Cancel Rule”

Internet Law

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued final amendments to its trade regulation rule concerning negative option plans, also known as the “click to cancel rule.” This rule aims to address widespread deceptive practices that prohibit customers from cancelling services in the same manner in which they signed up. Here’s a detailed summary of the […]

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