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Trademark Registration Post 2

Make trademark registration painless. Let Revision Legal’s trademark attorneys help you through the process.

Elements of Defamation

When you are faced with Internet defamation or online libel, it is important to know the elements of defamation so that you can collect the evidence needed to prove your case. In most states, the elements of defamation are the following: A false statement of fact; Publication of the statement to a third party; That… READ MORE

Internet Slander Attorneys

Revision Legal’s attorneys are Internet slander attorneys and experts in the removal and prosecution of Internet slander. Slander is the non-written publication of false and defamatory statements and is commonly confused with libel, which is the publication of written false and defamatory statements. Consequently, Internet slander is, in fact, Internet libel because the Internet is… READ MORE

Libel In the Internet: How Do I Deal With It?

If you have been targeted by libel in the Internet space, then it is important that you contact a libel attorney immediately. Libel in the Internet does not go away if it is not removed; in fact, it may be republished to many other websites without your knowledge or control. This is why it is… READ MORE

Phil Mickelson “Drives” Online Heckler From Anonymity

Anonymity gives Internet users courage when posting comments on message boards or articles.  If you have ever looked at the comment section on any article or at a message board, then you are sure to have seen some aggressive and often outlandish posts.  When people believe they are posting anonymously or behind a pseudonym, they… READ MORE

Texas Teacher Sues Students for Defamation

A Texas teacher is suing two of her former students for defamation after they allegedly wrote false and defamatory statements about her following an oral storytelling exercise. Elizabeth Ethredge has filed suit against the two students after they allegedly posted statements concerning the teacher following an oral storytelling exercise wherein the teacher purportedly asked the students… READ MORE

Public Disclosure of Private Facts

Public disclosure of private facts is a tort that falls under the general category of invasion of privacy. To establish a claim for public disclosure of private facts, a plaintiff must establish that the defendant has publicly disclosed private facts that are of no concern to the public and that, as disclosed, are offensive to… READ MORE

Intrusion Upon Seclusion

Like defamation and false light invasion of privacy, intrusion upon seclusion is one of several state law privacy torts that may be available to a plaintiff. Intrusion upon seclusion or solitude occurs where a defendant intrudes upon the privacy or seclusion of the plaintiff. Such an intrusion may occur by physical or electronic means, and… READ MORE

False Light Invasion of Privacy

False light invasion of privacy, like defamation, is a tort intended to protect an individual against statements that place that individual in a false light. At common law, a plaintiff must prove the following to establish a claim for false light invasion of privacy: That the defendant published a statement to third parties; That the… READ MORE

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