Revision Legal’s Michigan trademark lawyers are experts in trademark law. Our Michigan trademark attorneys have handled trademark registration, trademark licensing, and trademark litigation in state and federal courts around the United States. Our Michigan trademark lawyers are licensed to practice in the state courts of Michigan, the Eastern District of Michigan, and the Western District of Michigan.
Revision Legal’s Michigan trademark lawyers are experienced in all manners of trademark prosecution, defense, and litigation, including:
- Trademark registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office;
- International trademark registration;
- Trademark Trial and Appeal Board oppositions;
- Trademark Trial and Appeal Board cancellations;
- Trademark litigation in federal court;
- Trademark licensing and merchandising;
- Cybersquatting and trademark domain name disputes; and
- Trademark monitoring.
Our Michigan trademark attorneys regularly handle trademark clearances and trademark registrations, including complex and non-traditional trademark registrations. Our attorneys have represented some of Michigan’s most well known brands, ranging from multinational insurance companies, microbreweries, lifestyle brands, and startups.
If you seek a Michigan trademark lawyer, contact the attorneys at Revision Legal at 855-473-8474.